Dream on, Dreamers

Originally published on YOGANONYMOUS — January 10, 2016 

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We all want it: those eight glorious hours of uninterrupted, snug-as-a-bug pillow time. Let's face it though—we're lucky if we get five. 

A lot of things can affect your transition into sweet, blissful dreamland. So get to know the culprits that could be keeping you from getting sleep, and find new ways to catch some more Zzzs! 


Eat early, and keep it light. According to a news release on a sleep study conducted by researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania: "Eating less during late night hours may stave off some effects of sleep deprivation.”
I'm sure you already know that there are food items that can hinder a good night's sleep—looking at you coffee, chocolate, and sugar/caffeine-laden foods. 

Did you know, though, that there are foods that can actually help you get some shut-eye? People who have trouble sleeping often turn to melatonin supplements, but there are foods out there that naturally help the body produce it, like cherriespineapples, and walnuts.


Put your dang phone/computer/tablet AWAY. If you're anything like me, when you finally crawl into bed you suddenly find you're wide awake—and it sucks. You pick up your phone just to check Instagram until you're tired, and next thing you know you're on your best friend's boss's sister's page envying her recent trip to Mexico... And it's 2 a.m. Put it away, put it on silent, and pretend it isn't even there. Close your eyes and relax, tune in to your body as you tune out to sleep. 

Can't keep your mind quiet? Try writing down your thoughts in a journal before bed. Letting them flow from your mind onto the paper could prove to be both cathartic and relaxing, clearing your mind of clutter and helping you relax deeper when your head finally hits the pillow. You could also try tomeditate.

Find Some Zen 

Nothing sounds more relaxing than a bubble bathamirite

Try sinking into an Epsom salt bath for the ultimate de-stressing, relaxing, feel-good (and good for you!) experience. Epsom salt is made up of magnesium and sulfate, and putting it in your bath is one way to get magnesium into the bod. It's a perfect plunge to soothe and relax sore muscles, too. 

And while you're soaking in that magnesium know this: according to Harper's Bazaar, and nutritionist Dana James, “magnesium has been associated with decreasing nightmares.” So now you can rest easy in more ways than one. 

Photo by Jake Laub 

How do you get a blissful night's rest? Share in the comments below.


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